Physical Therapy Services

Summus Rehab's logo, mountains with a sun

Summus Rehab’s Process


Why physical therapy?

Each life stage brings its own set of challenges. From pregnancy and aging to LGBTQ+ Trans and Gender Non-Binary care, understanding your body and how to optimize your well-being is always the goal. Just like any therapy, starting that journey now will enable you to tackle change fearlessly and confidently. Together, we can choose to fight the normalization of pain and set you on the path towards well-being.

A person on a foam roller with arms outstretched and a smile


All new clients begin with an evaluation to discover your whole story. Evaluations are 90 minutes and take place in a private treatment room. This time allows us to understand what brings you to physical therapy and after gathering information about how your pain began, I can complete a full physical assessment.  This assessment includes looking at posture, range of motion, strength, joint and soft tissue integrity and quality as well movement patterns contributing to your pain.  We can then begin with a few exercises and develop an individualized treatment plan to help you recover.



Along with women’s health and pelvic pain, Summus Rehab has extensive experience treating a variety of conditions and ailments such as Back Pain, Sacroiliac Joint Pain, Hip pain, Urinary Incontinence, Urinary urgency and frequency, Constipation, Fecal incontinence, Postpartum pain, Pain Associated with Pregnancy, Abdominal Pain, Pelvic Pain, Pain with intercourse (Dyspareunia, vaginismus, vulvodynia), Chronic Prostatitis, Erectile Dysfunction, Painful bladder syndrome, Pain associated with cancer and post cancer (Mastectomy, prostatectomy, breast reconstruction, etc), Neck Pain, Shoulder pain, Knee pain, Post-surgical repairs and replacements such as knee, hip, shoulder, hamstring, etc.

Summus Rehabilitation's logo: 3 mountains with a sun

Summus Rehab’s Values

“Wellness can begin when you start feeling good within your own body. Our goal is to start you on that journey through compassionate care that empowers you to seek the relief you deserve.”

-Monica V